Friday, October 17, 2014

Weekend No

The days are going well but the one day that has some real excitement is Sunday since I get half day off.  
It's nice and quiet in the city on the weekend and no one in office.  But often get power outages. The generators kick in, usually.  

Sometimes network access is disrupted but usually we can get back online soon enough.  
All in all they have everything here but the infrastructure has a tough time supporting all the people. The city was only designed for 800,000 or so and now they estimate 8 million(estimates vary). 
Similar to what is happening in many boom cities I guess. 

Some more views from the corner office. 
Rough day in the office.  But safe to buy fruit here. Best to stick with stuff you can peel. 
Standard evening in the room. 
Gonna venture out some Sunday hopefully and see how that goes.  

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