Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Made it Mom- again

I'm here and safe Mom. 
Pretty much jump right into it after not sleeping for a couple days. 
But the view is nice.   Yes the city from the plane.  

And the view from my office. Lots of action all day on the street.  The company has really nice offices here but we are in a converted apartment across the street from our clinic in Luanda.  Just lucky I guess.  

Back in room 15.  I did bring plenty of food this time as seen from the top shelf.   
This is life here, more to come........

1 comment:

  1. Ola Michael, looks like you're already settled back in. Hope you can shake off the jet lag. Looking forward to all the great updates of life in Luanda.
    I hadn't checked your blog since you returned Stateside, very interesting post on land mines.
    Seu Irmau,
