Sunday, October 19, 2014

Plenty here....

As many know, this blog is my journal too so I can revisit the experience, or some of it.  

Just sharing that there are plenty of people well off here. Luanda is a transforming city and needs some work for sure to clean it up but as mentioned in the past, wealth is around too. 
The view from my office. A couple of Land Rovers in the window. 
And often see gangs of dogs around doing there thing. 
I know, not very exciting stuff but the corner office has a lot to offer. 
Hopefully I will get to check out the rec center this week. 

Its an interesting place. 
Best part of my day outside of conversation at the expat table at dinner and talking to family back home was I made myself get out and walk. Ended up walking an hour and a half to Esplanade Grill. Sat outside and had my beer and pizza.  
It's the little things that make the day.  
The Ilia. Nice enough.   

1 comment:

  1. Hey, the Ilia and pizza look good. Not bad at all. Looks like disparate worlds packed into that city. But I suppose that's no different from any place else if you take the time to look.
    Well, have a great week. I'll talk to you soon.
