Friday, October 31, 2014

Working toward a break of sorts...

I go home next week for some much needed R&R.  I have been working hard and been pretty productive and then some. Good business trip. 
I had dinner out last night which was a rare nice change. Hearing the waves was nice as we were right on the beach.  
And here is my Halloween outfit today. I don't think it exists here. 
Office is coming together with a white board and sit stand desk. 
Time off this time will include some work and Houston visit among other planned trips. Still working through visa challenges. Special I guess.  

Monday, October 27, 2014

Something Different

Got to check out a different view from the water for a few hours. 
This is a major shipping port so you see container ships all over. 
Got a close up view. I think the anchor was as big as the boat I was on.  

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Quinta Feira (Thursday)

Sunday- Domingo
Monday- Segunda feira
Tuesday- Terca feira
Wednesday- Quarta feira
Thursday- Quinta feira 
Friday- Sexta feira
Saturday- Sabado 

Lesson of the day. The week starts on Sunday.  Work week still starts on Monday however. 
Quarta feira, fourth day of week, quatro.  Make sense?  

Working away. Some progress this week. Got a small sit stand desk so I can stand all day which I like. 
Much healthier 
Got some blinds in the office too.  
And, some guys were trimming tree branches outside. I guess chopping branches with machetes works well. 

Can't beat that view. My escritorio-  not the standard office. Yup, corner office provides a lot of good visuals each day. 

There are people out and about cleaning the streets each day, cleaning cars and storefronts. 24/7 security at my door as well. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Plenty here....

As many know, this blog is my journal too so I can revisit the experience, or some of it.  

Just sharing that there are plenty of people well off here. Luanda is a transforming city and needs some work for sure to clean it up but as mentioned in the past, wealth is around too. 
The view from my office. A couple of Land Rovers in the window. 
And often see gangs of dogs around doing there thing. 
I know, not very exciting stuff but the corner office has a lot to offer. 
Hopefully I will get to check out the rec center this week. 

Its an interesting place. 
Best part of my day outside of conversation at the expat table at dinner and talking to family back home was I made myself get out and walk. Ended up walking an hour and a half to Esplanade Grill. Sat outside and had my beer and pizza.  
It's the little things that make the day.  
The Ilia. Nice enough.   

Friday, October 17, 2014

Weekend No

The days are going well but the one day that has some real excitement is Sunday since I get half day off.  
It's nice and quiet in the city on the weekend and no one in office.  But often get power outages. The generators kick in, usually.  

Sometimes network access is disrupted but usually we can get back online soon enough.  
All in all they have everything here but the infrastructure has a tough time supporting all the people. The city was only designed for 800,000 or so and now they estimate 8 million(estimates vary). 
Similar to what is happening in many boom cities I guess. 

Some more views from the corner office. 
Rough day in the office.  But safe to buy fruit here. Best to stick with stuff you can peel. 
Standard evening in the room. 
Gonna venture out some Sunday hopefully and see how that goes.  

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Chicala Office

Just a few more pics of the nice Chicala office.
Plenty of security to go through for our safety.  I don't feel unsafe at all. 

On another note, something was wrong in the cafeteria at staff house tonight so no dinner. They would shuttle us down to the hotel Baia for dinner if we wanted.  By the time I worked out and showered, I just enjoyed another gourmet banana, PB&J.  So happy I brought that stuff.  

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Another Day

Doing just fine here. Busy all day in office and probably just get busier. 
Same schedule- wake up, walk to office, eat, work, lunch, room, exercise, eat, TV, sleep or try to. 
I will be breaking it up soon enough.  
There are a couple cafés I can sit in for a different scene and safe food. 

Just sharing me in my office, some colleagues and the usual view. Usually see armed police gunmen in backs of trucks daily escorting VIP's or bank trucks.  

Yeah this pic is just for mom. You know how I don't like pics but trying to be a good son. Thank god for those back up headphones.  I will bring more next time. You can pretty much get anything here I'm sure but I don't know where to look and it's expensive. There's a mall to the south so may check that out one day but not into shopping much. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Power of Two

Another productive day on this business trip.  

I have learned about the importance of two's:
--I will have two sets of cloths, some left here and some at home, two pairs of all
--My headphone wire got crimped, so thank goodness I brought an extra pair. This is a serious issue. 
--My sunglasses broke, so thank goodness I brought another pair.  This is pretty important.  

- Took a walk around the block for some circulatory activity (not like walking around The San Ramon office park).  Pretty much walked around a church and busy intersections. At least there is a toilet along the way.  
- Saw some authentic African Art 
- Back to casa 15 
-Dinner at the expat table.  Chicken was good. 

A quick look at the Chicala building where I plan to go to here and there to work. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday Work and Leisure

Worked my half day in the office.  Most importantly, my friend was there. But I felt sorry for him so put him on the porch outside my office. Freedom--

After PB&J on crackers and a banana in my room, I got a ride to the Marginal so I could walk and run for an hour or so. Lots of activity with rollerblading kids and local walking around. There was some kind of event sponsored by a local energy drink (Speed) company that had a half pipe with boarders and a zip line.  

The last building to the left is hotel Presidente. Where my beer waits. 

Back in room later to lay down and watch TV. Saw a great and educational commercial. Good awareness campaign. I guess we have tobacco ads in the states. 

Our company also provides a lot of resources, education, support and interventions for health concerns like this.  

Ended up at the expat table at dinner which was nice to have some familiar conversation.  
Lasagna was pretty good. Got to cut the portions just a bit.  

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Staying busy and sadly entertained

Less than a week here and I am plenty busy in the office and have more than enough to manage.  
I'm not sure I'm getting used to anything but my focus is truly day by day- get through the day, exercise, eat, watch TV and sleep.  Hopefully find an expat to chat with for some familiarity.  
It is however nice to work with the locals and share our learning  and experience. 

Weekends I am the only one in my office and can dress down which is nice. Lonely though so may have to work in another building sometimes. 
Here is the Lenine building. Not bad but Chicala building is much nicer. 

Another nice view from my office. 
My next truck. I have seen some nice cars here- Porche, Jaguars, Mercedes, Range Rovers.  I had dinner at bosses apartment last night and I even saw a Farrari in the parking garage.  It was a real treat being in a nice apartment. 

As mentioned before the clinic is getting a facelift.  Here is the reception area.

And another great staff house meal today.  Dinner and wine last night was a bit better. 

Finally I made a local friend today in my office.  He looks pretty skinny so I put a dead mosquito in front of him. If he is around tomorrow, it gets a name.  There is not really any wildlife in Luanda outside some birds, bats, rats, cats and dogs running around. 

Yes, this is good entertainment for me here. Actually it is a very interesting culture and pleasent people. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thought for the day

I am still impressed with the balance and strength of all the women walking around with stuff on their head. Very impressive from a biomechanics standpoint.  Lots of choice- I have seen fish, fruit, and clothing among other things.   

These three women seem to make the rounds a few times a day. We also seem to have some camped out on the street near us.  I had some oranges we bought. Even they are expensive and not just for expats.  An expected price example is $1 an orange.  
However the fruit I tried here and in Cabinda are some of the sweetest things I've had. About as organic as it gets. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

No rest for the ?

Hit the ground running for sure. Lots of work to do but will pace myself for sure. 
-The office is different than a typical Chevron office for now. Chicala office building here is really nice.  We are however in a converted apartment across from our clinic.  
I can't wait for my sit stand desk. 12 hours a day- hmmm.  Lots of commotion out there too. 
- The overall smell here in Luanda has not changed. Not sure I can describe it here.
- It is getting warmer and the sun is coming out which is nice. 
- Our clinic in Luanda (also have one in Cabinda and Malongo) is getting a facelift. They are busy there. Just today they were vaccinating employees families and children. 
Clinic entrance 

Thank goodness these little sanitizer bottles are all over our Chevron locations. Most sickness is transmitted through touch you know. Our facilities are kept up well. 

I went to Chicala to see an activity class today that is part of a program to help employees manage their weight and health.  Not a bad turnout.  We will be integrating more health opportunities and education over time as part of our employee health and wellness strategy.  A healthier employee is a happier employee and the company invests a lot in health and their employees. 

Then there are the staff house meals. They do a pretty good job and have some nice options but we will be working with our food service provider to refine and enhance some education and options over time to say the least. Baby steps.  
Staff house dining room. 
Always some kind of rice, vegetable, meat, fish, chicken options.  Sometimes get fries. Usually some soup and always some rolls. 
Always some deserts. 
Yes, my dinner was light tonight. 

Maybe I should have eaten here. It is very impressive to see so many women with products on their heads. Some have big baskets and also a baby strapped to the front and back.  

I did have a good snack at a local cafe. Hummus and pita and OJ. This was $40 for two. 

Hope this helps shed some light on life here.  More to come....