Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Camp life.

Finally made to malongo.  It's a huge working energy camp.  Dorm and cafeteria life with tanks, refinery, helo's, fire station, green house, basically it's own city.  Went offshore Wednesday and got to experience life offshore a bit.  Stressful life on the mind and body but really interesting getting exposed to different cultures and professions from all walks of life. 
My temporary casa. 
The dining hall. 3 meals a day.  
Lots or recreation opportunities at malongo camp. This beach area looks great to spend the half Sundays we get off work. My kind of place.  Don't mind the pipes behind me. 
Lots of monkeys around too. And bats. 
Gazelle way back in the below picture. 
Hard to see jackel above. 
Beautiful candles at night 
I went to an offshore rig today too. These helo's go back and forth all day it seems. 
Takula platform here.  The biggest and oldest of our fleet here. 
Saw a huge school of fish from the platform.  No fishing allowed though.  

This sharing is actually therapeutic for me so more to come. 


  1. Very cool pix, Mike! Good to see you are doing well and are taking it all in. Thinking of you!

  2. I love the monkey pic!!! I just had to get all caught up on these posts....missed a bunch when I was in Hawaii, avoiding hurricanes! :)
