Friday, August 8, 2014

Backtrack to Takula

Just a couple pics from my Takula trip that were sent to me. 
My guide on the trip, WorkLife advisor from Portugal. 
Alexandre from Portugal is one of the medics on the platform and Kapita, another WorkLife advisor. 

Life is not easy out there. Most work 21 or 28 days straight and then get time off.  Mental and physical challenges all the time but very interesting and rewarding work. 


  1. How far off shore is the platform?

  2. It's about 30 minutes offshore. We stopped on Olympia first which is a floating hotel basically where a lot of workers stay each night. Back and forth every day to the platforms.

  3. Michael, pix says 2007. Previous life or the camera not set to this century?

    Did you helio to the platform?
