Sunday, September 14, 2014

Update Quatro

Update 4 
-My back to back started his first official shift
-Getting closer to a temporary approval
--got a 7 day approved but need a 30 day. The Angolan way I am getting used to. Back to the Houston consulate most likely this week or next. 
-More learning as requested:
--I go=Eu vou
--I am ready=Estou pronto
--I am here for business=Estou aqui em negocios
--I want to go=Eu quero ir
--I need to go to=Eu preciso de ir
--Can you pick me up=Pode apanhar-me
--Have a good weekend=Bom fin de semana
--Pleased to meet you=Muito prezar

-My brother and family were featured in this design network TV show- Tiki episode

I hung out and medicated with friends and family just to make sure the Tiki bar worked

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