Monday, September 22, 2014

October 5

Looks like I am allowed back for 30 days so heading back out on October 5 for the first real hitch. 

I did get some continued exposure for what I'm in for while in Houston.  
- When I got back to the office the entire fire department was there and we could not enter for about an hour due to red alert ( turned out to be smoke).  But all was well and I took a walk about.  I expect this randomness much more in Angola. It is wise to not expect things to always go as planned.  Better yet, just know all is temporary and will work out.  

The consolate visit was better this time to look at the bright side. And I could smile and say "Ola, bom dia, como esta, obrigado" to the women approving me.  

Time to pack up soon but enjoy til then and mentally prepare. At least got to the coast last weekend and tomorrow I will close down my office for a long while.  

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