Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

Just another work day for me, and tomorrow and the weekend.... 
No plans but a staff house dinner.  A Angolan colleague invited me to lunch down the block at Andy's, an Indian resteraunt. They have a clothing store next door and no one I know ever has seen anyone go there so it's a suspected laundry of sorts if you get that. Figure it out. 
Food was not bad. 

Got a bottle of Portugal tawny for dinner and joining the other misfits that have no where to go. The few of us here are not part of the resident expat community to the south. It's a good drive down there too. 
I had someone email me from Cabinda and said he did not even know anyone rotated out of Luanda. I like to be special so fine by me. I have my routines and just fine with it all. 

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