Sunday, February 1, 2015

Different and Change

As noted our office experience is not the norm chevron office.  I guess pros and cons.  We have a kitchen and small conference room but still not as nice as the standard offices. Cozy.  Some others I have met here ask where my office is and they just have no idea. At least I just get up and walk 5 minutes there and don't need a ride. But we have no work team or community for us either.  

The women that sell fruit from baskets on their head sit out front though. I saw some huge pineapples the other day and think I will buy one next time. Organic for sure.  
They do try here to keep things nice within the walls of the staff house. I'll give them credit. 
The government is also trying to fix up the city but it has a long way to go.  Lots of government billboards around about how things have improved. But they are now also saying all citizens are in for a tough year due to oil prices. There is going to be some cuts and changes this year for sure.

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