Friday, July 31, 2015

Security first

We have two buildings in Luanda. Chicala and Lenine.  Security and detectors at each. At Lenine you enter a chamber to be screened then it opens to let you out in the building. It's like a Star Trek elevator door. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Angola conference FILDA

I went to a huge Angolan conference today and represented medical at our Chevron section. It included all the major companies and sectors doing business in Angola.  Today was kids day do kids were running around all over. Lots of people and entertainment.  
Chevron has operated here 60 years and produced more than any other company.  We do lots of social investment and community support. 
Thousands of people attended but the only problem is u don't speak Portuguese. 

End of the day. Cabinda tomorrow. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Bday in Angola.

Just another day.  Work, bit of exercise, dinner, TV and bed. Do it again tomorrow. 
My birthday meals. Could be much worse. Lucky to have good family and friends and something to look forward to.  

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

What can be balanced on a head?

I have seen about everything on women's heads here and I appreciate the  balance, strength and poise of them all. Often with a baby hanging on their back or front.  I have seen on heads: 
Crates of eggs, Tupperware, all types of fruit, buckets of fish, containers of pastries, laundry, trash cans, a chair and so much more.  

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Winter hitch in July

It's winter in Angola. Typical dry, low clouds, 70's day, 60's night. People wear coats, hats and gloves sometimes. 

Monday, July 13, 2015


Travel day segunda-fiera.  
Few days in Cabinda and then drive to the republic of Congo.