Friday, March 27, 2015

Back to local life

More rain. The daily walks to work has a few more hazards but the government continues to build. 
Daily walk
New sidewalk outside office and clinic being built. 
Some staff invited me to join for some typical local food yesterday at lunch. Here is what they brought. Bananas, fish, bean. Pretty typical from what they say. Next week will be some funge. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hitch 2

Second official hitch: Two nights of flights and back readjusting. 
Learning it is beginning to be the rainy season here. They have torrential downpours and thunder storms. 

Last night as I woke at 2:30 am for the day, I heard some loud roars. I also heard some in the day that set off car alarms.  

There was a rainstorm in the Lobito region of the Benguela province recently that lead to many deaths. Our company is helping with aid. 
It's a reminder that all over the world disasters happen every day in communities. 

Monday, March 23, 2015


Time flew by as usual and it's like I never got off the plane. But ready to work. 
Not gonna get much more cozy than this.  

Monday, March 2, 2015